Conference – Role and signage of rail transport in European regions

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House of the East in Brussels meeting with the PKP S.A. in Belgium and the European Committee of the Regions invite you to attend the conference “The role and signage of rail transport in Europe’s regions. Construction of efficient regional rail transport systems. ”, Which will take place on 17 November 2021.

The conference is organized within the framework of the European Year of the College, which is responsible for taking action through the Union, Member States, regional and local authorities, and other transport organizations in the field of cross-border transport.

The European Year of the College is an important example of cooperation with the European Parliament, the Council, Member States, local and regional authorities, the rail sector, the general public and other interested parties, as well as the general public of the Commission.

Until the middle of 2022, the company, the campaign and the initiative promoted the dormitory as a modernized, innovative and safe way of transport. The effects of human, economic and climate change. They also consider the considerations that should be laid down in order to create a truly uniform European railway area without borders.

In connection with the above and lasting negotiations in the Polish Autonomous Communities, the United Nations Conference on the Development of Comprehensive Regional Transport Plans for the years 2021-2027 which will focus on the role and designation of rail transport in the regions, in which the best practices are to build effective regional transport systems, taking into account their harmonized form, such as the railways themselves.

Experts from the European Commission, Polish and foreign authorities, railway infrastructure representatives (railway infrastructure managers, transport participants) share with participants their knowledge, and all stakeholders know the best knowledge and This is a well-understood modern solution for college clients with a special consideration for cybercrime, integrated ticketing systems, micro-mobility and door2door services.

The conference will also address the need for cooperation in the interests of the European Union, as well as in the framework of the European Green Ship and the European Strategy for Intelligent and Enhanced Mobility.

Konferencja będzie skierowana do przedstawicieli władz samorządowych szczebla regionalnego, powiatowego i gminnego, ekspertów zajmujących się transportem publicznym w instytucjach unijnych i publicznych, stowarzyszeń mających w kompetencjach działania związane z przewozem pasażerskim, zarządców infrastruktury kolejowej oraz przedsiębiorstw związanych z branżą logistyczną.

The conference will be supported by two thematic panels in the form of the following: 1) The role and designation of the dormitories in the regions, the construction of effective regional transport systems in the framework of the dormitory and 2) Customer experience through innovations, cryopreservations, services door2door etc.

The conference will set them up to discuss the current and upcoming position of districts in Krakow. It should be a place of reflection on the expectations and needs of locals, councilors and city councilors, as well as representatives of trade organizations interested in the issue of social and various public relations. The establishment of mutual relations of these conditions will be helpful in the granting of the answer to the question: “If it is so good, what is it so?”.

Members of the local government, councilors, representatives of pigs, the media and governmental organizations interested in local government issues
In this case, they invite you: the Workshop Association Forum, the Community Initiative Office, the Foundation Foundation and the Association of Citizens’ Workers.

The latter is possible to co-ordinate, but it requires the application of multi-yearly passports and care in the range of plant crops and the implementation of breeding practices. At the same time, such passports can increase the peasants’ profits. The passports are supposed to be planned as elements of many years. One-year-old passports need to be treated only as a network of perennial, herbaceous, twin and one-year-old passports.