Difference between conference and meeting

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Meetings and conferences are, broadly speaking, similar events where people come together to talk or discuss a chosen topic. However, people remain confused about the differences between a meeting and a conference. Although they have many similarities, there are enough differences for similar events to be classified as a meeting or a conference. Typically, a conference is larger in scale, although it is also a type of meeting between different people who come together to discuss a certain topic.

Meetings are informal and involve fewer people than more formal conferences, with a private agenda and people from faraway places gather to discuss a topic of common interest. Meetings are often held in-house, while conferences are held in venues specially designed to hold meetings of this scale, such as hotel conference rooms or training centers where there are facilities and the right environment and environment to hold large-scale discussions. There are a large number of participants or attendees at conferences and they may come from different backgrounds.

On the other hand, meetings have no special requirements and, being informal, can be held on short notice at any suitable location. There is no planned agenda at meetings, while at conferences all activities and discussion topics are prioritized depending on their importance. Meetings are short in time and end in a matter of hours, while conferences can span a period of 3 to 7 days and delegates participate in discussions and share their views on a variety of subjects.

Conferences require that participants be accommodated in hotel rooms and, if the conference is held at a specific hotel, delegates are provided with accommodation in rooms at that hotel.

In summary:

• Both meetings and conferences are events where people get together and discuss.

• Meetings are held on a smaller scale and have fewer participants. They are more informal and can be done in-house. Meetings end within a few hours.

• On the other hand, conferences are more formal, span several days and require accommodation and other facilities for delegates.

Is a conference a meeting?
A conference is generally understood as a gathering of several people to discuss a certain topic. It is often confused with a convention, colloquium or symposium. Although one conference differs from others in terms of size and purpose, the term can be used to cover the general concept.

What is the difference between meeting and seminar?
As nouns, the difference between meeting and seminar is that encounter is (uncountable) the action of the verb to gather while seminar is an advanced studies class in which students meet regularly to discuss original research, under the guidance of a professor.

What is the meaning of conference?
substantive. a consultation or discussion meeting: a conference between a student and their advisor. the act of conferring or consulting together; consultation, especially on an important or serious matter. Government. a meeting, from various committees, to resolve differences between the two branches of the legislature.

What are the different types of conferences?

types of conferences

  • Conference.
  • Symposium.
  • Seminar.
  • colloquium.
  • Workshop.
  • Round table.

How important is the conference?

A big reason to go to conferences is to meet like-minded people and industry peers. Conferences bring together people from all different geographic areas who share a common discipline or field and are a great way to meet new people in your area.

How do you plan a successful conference?

How to plan a successful conference: 10 tips on conference planning

  • Plan ahead. Depending on the size of your conference, planning should be done as early as possible. …
  • Set a time scale. …
  • Plan the ideal size of your conference. …
  • Set a budget. …
  • Choose your speakers. …
  • Choose the location. …
  • Talk to the local. …
  • Choose your suppliers.