Difference between conference and meeting

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Conference vs Meeting

“Conference” and “meeting” refer to bringing many people together and having some kind of discussion on certain topics. Its basic objective is the same, which includes people who get together to discuss something common to all who are present. The dictionary meanings of “conference” and “meetings” are also not very different, but in practice they have some basic differences that cannot be overlooked.


The dictionary meanings of “conference” are: A meeting especially with a formal agenda for consultation, discussion or exchange of information. In politics, government and diplomacy, it is defined as a formal meeting between political groups, two or more states, etc., to discuss issues and formulate policy.
Religiously in Christian or ecclesiastical terms, it means an assembly of clergy.

Conferences are held on a large scale. People come to attend conferences from different fields of life, business, society and religion, etc., to discuss a specific topic. These are formal matters for which invitations are sent in advance, and a specific agenda must be discussed and focused. Discussions, topics are prioritized in advance.

The number of participants is large, so it needs to be organized in hotels or conference rooms or specially designed training centers, where the environment is ideal for discussions among a very large group.

People invited to conferences are accommodated in hotel rooms as guests, as conferences can be planned for more than one day and spread over a period of three to four days or more.

The dictionary meanings of “meeting” are:

It is the process or act of bringing people together, also considered an encounter. Assembly of people for different social, commercial or religious purposes.Meetings are more casual than conferences; they may or may not be planned in advance. Meetings may be convened informally at any time by persons in office or by persons belonging to a group.

Meetings can be held at home or in an office at any time and in a certain space, and do not include a very large number of people. Meetings are usually convened to discuss something that has come up, and topics may or may not be planned in advance. They generally last less time than conferences.

Conference vs Meeting

Meetings and conferences are, broadly speaking, similar events where people come together to talk or discuss a chosen topic. However, people remain confused about the differences between a meeting and a conference. While they have many similarities, there are enough differences for similar events to be classified as a meeting or conference. Typically, a conference is larger in scale, although it is also a type of meeting between different people who come together to discuss a particular issue.

Meetings are informal and involve a smaller number of people than more formal conferences, with a specific agenda and people from faraway places gather to discuss a topic of common interest. Meetings are usually held in-house, while conferences are held in venues specially designed to hold meetings of this scale, such as hotel conference rooms or training centers, where the right facilities, environment and environment are in place to hold large-scale discussions. There are a larger number of participants or conference participants and they may belong to different contexts.

Meetings, on the other hand, have no special requirements and, being informal, can be held in a short space of time, in any suitable location. There is no planned agenda at meetings, while at conferences all activities and discussion topics are prioritized depending on their importance. Meetings are short in time and end in a matter of hours, while conferences can span a period of 3 to 7 days and delegates participate in discussions and share their views on a range of issues.

Conferences require that attendees be accommodated in hotel rooms, and if the conference is held at a specific hotel, delegates will be accommodated in rooms at that hotel.


1. A conference is a more formal affair than a meeting.

2. Conferences are pre-planned and held on a large scale, where many people participate; meetings may or may not be pre-planned and participants are fewer.

3. Conferences have a specific agenda for discussion; meetings may or may not have a specific topic to be discussed; they may have a lot of points to focus on.

4. Conferences are usually held in hotels or conference rooms, etc., as they are on a large scale; meetings can be held at home, in an office or in any space.

5.Conferences can be held for a few days; meetings are shorter than conferences and usually end the same day they start within a few hours.