Central europe annual conference 2014

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On the occasion of twenty years of cooperation across the borders of the countries of Central Europe, the Joint Secretariat invites you to participate in the annual conference of the Interreg Central Europe program (September 21-22, 2017, Berlin).

Under the name Interreg, institutions from many countries collaborate on transnational projects, exchange practices and create new solutions for Central Europe. You will be able to hear about the results of this cooperation at thematic meetings:

  • innovation,
  • reduction of CO2,
  • natural resources,
  • cultural heritage,
  • transport and mobility.

The conference will also announce the launch of Interreg Central Europe’s third call for proposals. Detailed information about the meeting is available in the program. We encourage you to register online now!

The promotional campaign (hashtag: # 20yearsCE) also includes a quiz.

About the Interreg Central Europe 2014-2020 programme

Who you can cooperate with: Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, selected regions of Italy and Germany (detailed information in Appendix 3 of the Cooperation Program). Who can participate in projects: central authorities and territorial self-governing units at all levels , public institutions, institutions and private companies with legal personality, international institutions.

Program topics: innovation, increasing competitiveness, low-carbon strategies, natural and cultural resources, transport connections Program budget from the ERDF: EUR 246 million
Program Management: City of Vienna (Managing Authority), Joint Secretariat based in Vienna (applicant support, admission, project evaluation and monitoring, etc.).

Transnational projects: relate to key challenges and opportunities for the area (SWOT analysis in Annex 5 of the Cooperation Programme). For example, the FORGET HERITAGE project concerns unused historical buildings (former factories, hospitals, schools, barracks, etc.). The aim of the partners is to develop innovative and sustainable solutions for the protection and enhancement of the cultural heritage of Central Europe.

One of the results of the project should be the development of management models for the cooperation of the public and private sectors with the participation of companies operating in the field of culture and the creative sector. In addition to partners from other countries, the cities of Bydgoszcz and Warsaw participate in the project. More about the project.

Where to look for information

  • Official website managed by the Joint Secretariat in English (official programming language)
  • Website of the Ministry of Development with information in Polish
  • Ministry of Development – National contact point of the Interreg Central Europe program advisory assistance, information meetings, support in the search for foreign partners and promotion of Polish offers, cooperation with the Joint Secretariat, the Center for European Projects (controller of expenditure in projects), etc.

The annual conference of the South Baltic Interreg program as a chance for project partnership

Kde hledat informace

The annual conference of the South Baltic Interreg program 2014-2020 will be held on 15-16 November 2016 in Rostock (Germany). The event will be a great opportunity to present your own design ideas and also to find partners for projects planned to be implemented within the Program.

During the conference, thematic workshops dedicated to the intervention logic of the Program in the areas of SME internationalization and innovation, sustainable tourism, green (ecological) technologies, sustainable transport, strengthening the potential of human resources and building capacities for cross-border cooperation. Conference participants will also have the opportunity to view an interactive presentation of the results of projects implemented in the city of Rostock in the previous perspective of the 2007-2013 Program. The conference will be held in English.