Development of the poor in the region European health funds of these countries and EU programs

Rozvoj chudých regionu Evropské zdravotnické fondy těchto zemí a Programy EU
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EU funds (structural funds, European funds) are financial resources of the European Union that support the economy of member countries. The influence of e.g. for the development of the poor regions of these countries, the reduction of unemployment in them, the improvement of railway, car and air communication. (Ministry for Development 2014-2017) EU funds are primarily aimed at the implementation of cohesion policy, often called Structural policy or regional policy.

Cohesion Policy, European Health Funds

Cohesion (structural) policy is linked to the functioning of the European Cohesion Fund and structural funds. EU programs The Cohesion Fund is not formally part of the Structural Funds. The main focus of his activity is structural transformations, which are supposed to lead European projects in the field of health to cohesion in social and economic aspects. The Cohesion Fund focuses on national programmes. Structural funds are implemented through regional programs operating within individual regions. Czech funds are spent in Czech crowns.

Politika soudržnosti, Evropské zdravotnické fondy

The goal of cohesion policy is to harmonize economic and European health funds social conditions in all regions of the European Union EU programs. Forms of EU aid, public aid, e.g. subsidies, loans with a low interest rate

regional aid refers to the support of new investments. This contributes to the creation of new jobs. horizontal aid refers to the restructuring of enterprises, environmental protection, research and development, etc. sectoral aid, for the automotive industry, shipbuilding, synthetic fibers “Forms of aid have found their expression in the Cohesion Fund, structural funds, community initiatives and community programs.

Principles of the functioning of structural funds – central Europe 2013

The principle of subsidiarity – every action must be carried out as little as possible in order to fulfill central Europe 2013 the given task. The principle of concentration – funds flowing from EU funds go mainly to the least developed areas. The principle of programming is the control and monitoring of how funds coming from the European Union are implemented. It is mainly about the European health funds that funding is subject to the entire regional development program, not to individual projects or EU programs. The principle of coordination is to focus on key priorities in terms of social and economic cohesion.

European health projects should be focused on the regions with the greatest difficulties. Partnership principle – EU, national or regional authorities should consult aid programmes

Principle of complementarity – EU measures as a supplement to national public and private funds Principle of complementarity – EU aid complements national European projects in the field of health (regional and local) measures (B. Rogoda 2009, p. 7)

Principy fungování strukturálních fondů - central Europe 2013

Funding sources of EU funds – 0.73% of national GNP – or central Europe 2013 such a part of state income goes to European Union funds. It makes up 69 percent of the European Union’s budget, and it is also the largest source of funding for EU programs. Richer countries are obliged to contribute more funds to the European Health Funds to the budget of the European Union than countries with a lower GNP. In such a situation, it often happens that countries that contributed a smaller amount receive a much higher amount of funding from the European Union. An example of such a country is Poland.

European Fund orientation European projects in the field of health and agricultural guarantees

Income from VAT, from which each state is obliged to pay a certain part of this tax to the European Union (it is approx. 15% of the European health funds of the total budget of the European Union).

Duties on imported goods from individual countries outside the European Union (also approx. 15% of the total budget of the European Union). Other sources, such as taxes, obtained from the payment of employees who work in the various institutions of the European Union, or sanctions, overlaps on businesses that break the law or (1%, which makes up a small, which is the smallest share of the European Union budget).

Distribution of EU funds New programs are created within EU funds for these years. New programs are created on average every 6 years, for example EU Programs, 2000-2006, 2007-2013, 2014-2020 and others. Between 2000 and 2006, approx. 13 billion in the next 6 years, more than 67 billion for the implementation of another program intended for the years 2014-2020, Poland received 82.5 billion euros. central Europe 2013 This is the highest amount of European health projects that can be financed among member states.

Funds 2000-2006

  • European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund
  • European Fund for Regional Development
  • European Social Fund
  • Financial Tool For Orientation In Fishing
  • Funds 2007-2013 central Europe 2013

The aim of the European Regional Development Fund is to contribute to the reduction of disproportions that occur in the regions. Aid is provided especially to those regions that are lagging behind in development and have certain difficulties. The main areas of activity of ERDF European Health Funds: support of investments contributing to the creation of sustainable jobs, expansion of transport infrastructure, European projects and in the field of health, development of the energy sector, support of environmental protection.

The European Social Fund – the volume of the fund’s interventions includes five forms of support: active forms of combating unemployment and combating social isolation, development of universal further education, improvement of economic staff, professional revitalization of women.

European Agricultural Fund for EU Rural Development Programs

Evropský zemědělský fond pro Programy EU rozvoj venkovaThe European Agricultural Fund is connected with the realization of the objectives of the agrarian policy. The main task is to increase the yields of agriculture through the support of technical progress and the optimal use of all production factors (mostly labor). The aim of the European Fisheries Fund is to ensure the continuity of fishing and the optimal use of this activity.

The protection of terrestrial and marine environments (related to fishing) is also an important issue. Funds 2014-2020 Main funds to support the economic development of member countries in accordance with the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy: European Fund for Regional Development European Social Fund, Cohesion Fund.

European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. Objectives set before the Structural Funds. On the basis of the reform of the Structural Funds, which entered into force in 1989, five main tasks were set: aid to economically backward regions, aid to regions affected by the collapse of traditional industries, the fight against long-term unemployment and (more than 12 months) and the integration of young people under the age of 25 into the market work.

Helping workers to adapt to technological changes, structural reforms central Europe 2013 in agriculture help for agricultural land. Europe 2020 Strategy – The Europe 2020 Strategy replaced the Lisbon Strategy implemented in 2000-2010. The goal of the new strategy is still economic growth, but the emphasis was also placed on the balance of this process. It focuses primarily on an economy based on knowledge, which is ecologically clean technology, sparingly deploying or and resources, which creates new jobs, while maintaining attention to social cohesion.