It will also have municipal building regulations.

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When the owner of a building plot decides to build a house, he must follow a bureaucratic process that is most often ignored and which we will try to explain below.

The following should not frighten those who intend to build, as it is a normal process that must be respected and knowledge of it can be beneficial to the future home owner and make him anticipate the established times, arrive at the final without surprises or surprises. tremors.

Commissioned by a qualified technician

It is assumed that the municipality where they operate has a general city plan or spatial planning ordinance. A technician with a cadastral plan of land on a scale of 1:2000 or 1:1000 must be informed of the following data, which are essential for approval, before starting the design process:

1) The area of ​​the spatial plan in which the project falls
2) Buildability Index (ie how many cubic meters you can build on each square meter of land)
3) Coverage ratio (ie what percentage of the lot you can cover: 25%, 30% .. and so on)
4) Distances from borders that must be respected
5) Distance from the road
6) The height that can be reached from the building (7.50 m, 10.50 m … and so on)
7) Various restrictions to which the new construction is subject (hydrogeological, seismic restrictions, any structural engineer opinions, Superintendence of Fine Arts restrictions, health and hygiene opinion of the local ASL, seat belts, cemetery buffer strips and more).

Report confirming the conformity of the project (regarding the limitation of energy consumption) according to § 28 of Act 9/1/91 No. 10

Once the technician has all this data, he contacts the customer, informs him about everything, tells him what can be done on the property and then, very importantly, he listens to the customer about his living, architecture, interior design and other needs. the client can tell him about the desired new house that can be built based on the standards and constraints verified by him.

Projekt je po prošetření technickými úřady obce předložen k vyjádření stavební komisi.

After developing the project and obtaining the owner’s approval, the technician must submit the project together with the various procedures mentioned above first to the concerned municipality and at the same time to all authorities responsible for the opinions to be or only for the submission of the practice.

After investigation by the technical authorities of the municipality, the project is submitted to the construction commission for comment.

The building commission can approve it without conditions, with certain conditions, or reject it for legitimate reasons. The project, after approval by the municipality and supplemented by all the necessary opinions, moves to the stage of issuing a building permit.

If the project falls in an agricultural area, it is exempt from various taxes, provided that the owner is a direct farmer and has submitted an appropriate business plan (In short, he must prove that he has plenty of land for the desired crops and that these exist and)

  1. Those who fall into other urban areas must instead pay the municipality fees for urbanization and construction costs: these figures are not insignificant and vary from municipality to municipality.
  2. With the concession in hand, the owner can finally think about starting work. But first, he needs to find a trustworthy company that will provide him with a reasonable budget.