Health discusses the importance of municipal planning

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The Goiás State Health Council (CES-GO) promoted, this Thursday (26/8), the first ‘live’ of the Ponto de Equilíbrio project, Permanent Education for Social Control of SUS. The event, which was led by the president of CES, Venerando Lemes, brought together specialists to discuss the topic Municipal Health Plan (PMS).

The meeting also had the participation of the CES technical coordinator, Neusinho Ferreira; the advisor of the Council of Municipal Health Departments of the State of Goiás (Cosems), Lucélia Borges; the advisor of the Goiás State Health Department (SES-GO), Simone Camilo; and the coordinator of Planning for SUS Management at SES-GO, Edilberto Alexandre.

Venering Lemes reported that an advance for municipal health planning was the change, as of this year, of the date of the health conferences, which subsidize the elaboration of health plans. These city, regional and state events will be held prior to the national conference. “The National Health Conference is scheduled to take place in May 2023. The municipal ones, from the end of 2022 to February 2023; and the regional and state, until April”, clarified.

Lucélia, a technician at Cosems, highlighted the importance of planning for municipal management. “If I don’t plan (…), everyone will do it their own way. And that takes away the possibility of you having projects and goals that need to be fulfilled to meet the needs of that reality. Most of the time, they are chasing urgencies and emergencies that overwhelm the entire process and the daily routine of municipal management”, she highlighted.

Simone Camilo stated that municipal health planning is a challenge, as 63% of the municipalities in Goiás have less than 10,000 inhabitants; and 40%, less than 5 thousand inhabitants. “How to plan just for the municipality? Therefore, the importance of integrated regional planning, of the macro-region of health, to think as a macro, to subsidize these municipal plans, so that they can base the macro-regional plans in an acceding way”, she evaluated.

A document that gathers and organizes the municipal government’s action proposals for the health area, the PMN offers solutions related to the needs and problems of the local population. Its preparation, which involves technical, political and economic issues, should cover the collection and analysis of information on the health situation in the municipality.
Patrícia Almeida/Sectoral Communication

Health highlights the importance of Pre-Conferences

The Municipal Health Department and the Municipal Health Council will hold, next Tuesday, the 26th, at 7 pm, the 2nd Municipal Health Pre-Conference – in the North Region -, at Emef Profa. Alzira Amorim Mantese, at Selmi Dei. Open to the participation of the general population, the event will debate proposals and will also choose delegates for the 12th Municipal Health Conference, on April 12th and 13th, at Unip Araraquara, under the theme “Democracy and Health: Health as a Right and Consolidation and Financing of the SUS”.

During an interview on the program ‘Canal Direto’ with the City Hall, on Wednesday (20), the president of the Municipal Health Council, Izaías Ambrózio da Silva, reiterated the importance of popular participation in debates.“It is necessary for the population to participate directly in the construction of public health proposals in the municipality presented in the Pre-Conferences. It is a bottom-up policy, with the people creating proposals for the Conference”, emphasized Izaías.

The president of the Municipal Health Council also recalled that during the four Pre-Conferences the delegates of the Conference, representatives of users and health workers from various regions of the city, including rural areas, will be defined.Izaías Ambrózio pointed out that even during the pre sessions, every participant will be able to present their ideas and make suggestions. “The most voted proposals will be presented at the Conference to be included in the municipal health guidelines,” he said.

For Izaías, it is very important that the union of proposals aimed at the construction of these public policies involve workers, managers, providers and users of public health in the municipality.The president also pointed out that the Municipal Health Council charges the public authorities to carry out all the proposals voted on and approved in the debates.It is worth noting that the 1st Pre-Conference for the Eastern Region was held on Tuesday (19), at CER Cotinha de Barros, in Jardim Brasil, and the 3rd, for the Southern and Rural Regions – Monte Alegre Settlement, will be on April, at 7 pm, at CER Rosa Bóglio Zanin, in Jardim Ieeda.

The 4th and final Pre-Conference, for the West and Rural regions – Bela Vista Settlement, will take place on April 9, also at 7:00 pm, at the Menino Jesus de Praga Party Hall, in Jardim Santa Lúcia.

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The program ‘Channel Direct with the City Hall’ is presented from Monday to Friday, live, at 6:30 pm, on TV Web Participativa, on the official Facebook page and on the Portal of the City Hall of Araraquara. Always presented with the presence of a member of the government, the program can have its content seen later on the Facebook page and on the City Hall Portal.