Sustainable public transport and logistics

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Sustainable public transport and logistics

Central Europe promotes the use of clean public transport for safer and smarter mobility, with a positive impact on the environment, regional businesses and tourism.

The program also helps take cargo off the road and transfer it to greener vehicles, improves international traffic flow and promotes intermodal transport.

News and events

September 17, 2014
European Commission: €11.9 billion to improve European relations
July 23, 2014
European Commission: first EU transport results table published
May 21, 2014
Central Europe: the study showed that transnational projects provide a decisive impetus for green transport
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Initiation of activities to attract market participants [download PDF]
Pre-investment case study in Carinthia [Download PDF]
Cross-border gas pipeline to improve logistics in Central and Eastern Europe [Download PDF]
Business Case for Mecklenburg Service [PDF Download]
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