Approved Projects

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Please find here a list of projects which have been approved by the Monitoring Committee of the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme. The Managing Authority has already started the contracting of approved projects. The list is sorted according to the priorities of the Programme. By clicking on one of the projects you can get detailed information on the project itself and its project partners.

Priority: 1 – Innovation

Area of Interventions: 1.2 Establishing Capabilities for the Diffusion and Application of Innovation
Lead partner: Province of Bologna (Emilia-Romagna, IT)
FREE From Research to Enterprise
Area of Interventions: 1.2 Establishing capabilities for the diffusion and application of innovation
Lead partner: University of Debrecen (Eszak-Alfold, HU)
CENTRIS Tools for Transnational Innovation Support in Centrope
Area of Interventions: 1.2 Establishing capabilities for the diffusion and application of innovation
Lead partner: ecoplus. The Business Agency of Lower Austria Ltd. (Niederösterreich, AT)
CERIM Central Europe Research to Innovation Models
Area of Interventions: 1.1 Enhancing framework conditions for innovation

Lead partner: Patenverwertungsagentur Mecklenburg Vorpommern (Mecklenburg Vorpommern, DE)

Priority: 2 – Accessibility

KASSETTS Knowledge-enabled Access of Central Europe SMEs to Efficient Transnational Transport Solutions
Area of Interventions: 2.4 Promoting Information and Communication Technologies and Alternative Solutions for Enhancing Access
Lead partner: ITL – Institute for Transport and Logistics Foundation (Emilia-Romagna, IT)
ChemLog Chemical Logistics Cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe
Area of Interventions: 2.1 Improving Central Europe’s interconnectivity
Lead partner: Ministry for Economy and Labour of Saxony-Anhalt (Sachsen-Anhalt, DE)
Via Regia + Via Regia plus – Sustainable Mobility and Regional Cooperation along the Pan-European Transport Corridor III
Area of Interventions: 2.1 Improving Central Europe’s interconnectivity
Lead partner: Municipality of Wrocław (Dolnoslaskie, PL)
Priority: 3 – Environment

URBAN-SMS Urban Soil Management Strategy
Area of Interventions: 3.1 Developing a High Quality Environment by Managing and Protecting Natural Resources and Heritage
Lead partner: City of Stuttgart, Department for Environmental Protection (Stuttgart, DE)
TransWaste Formalisation of informal sector activities in collection and transboundary shipment of wastes in and to CEE
Area of Interventions: 3.4 Supporting Environmentally Friendly Technologies and Activities
Lead partner: University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna; Institute of Waste Management (Wien, AT)
RUBIRES Rural Biological Resources
Area of Interventions: 3.3 Supporting the Use of Renewable Energy Sources and Increasing Energy Efficiency
Lead partner: Regional Planning Authority Altmark (Sachsen-Anhalt, DE)
TransEcoNet Transnational Ecological Networks in Central Europe
Area of Interventions: 3.1 Developing a High Quality Environment by Managing and Protecting Natural Resources and Heritage
Lead partner: Technische Universitaet Dresden (Dresden, DE)
SALVERE Semi-natural grassland as a source of biodiversity improvement
Area of Interventions: 3.1 Developing a High Quality Environment by Managing and Protecting Natural Resources and Heritage
Lead partner: University of Padova – Department of Environmental Agronomy and Crop Production (Veneto, IT)
LABEL Adaptation to flood risk in the LABE-ELbe river basin
Area of Interventions: 3.2 Reducing Risks and Impacts of Natural and Man-made Hazards
Lead partner: Saxon State Ministry of the Interior (Dresden, DE)
FOKS Focus on Key Sources of Environmental Risks
Area of Interventions: 3.1 Developing a High Quality Environment by Managing and Protecting Natural Resources and Heritage
Lead partner: CMI – Central Mining Institute (Slaskie, PL)
COACH BioEnergy Strengthening the energetic use of biomass in Central and Eastern Europe by establishing a standardised transnational consulting net for regions
Area of Interventions: 3.3 Supporting the Use of Renewable Energy Sources and Increasing Energy Efficiency
Lead partner: Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. (Oberbayern, DE)
ACT CLEAN Access to Technology and Know-how in Cleaner Production in Central Europe
Area of Interventions: 3.4 Supporting Environmentally Friendly Technologies and Activities
Lead partner: Federal Environment Agency (Sachsen-Anhalt, DE)
4BIOMASS Fostering the sustainable usage of renewable energy sources in Central Europe – putting biomass into action
Area of Interventions: 3.3 Supporting the use of renewable energy sources and increasing energy efficiency
Lead partner: Agency for Renewable Resources (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, DE)

UrbSpace Urban spaces – enhancing the attractiveness and quality of the urban environment
Area of Interventions: 4.1 Developing Polycentric Settlement Structures and Territorial Cooperation
Lead partner: Regional Environmental Center, Country office Slovakia (Bratislavsky kraj, SK)
ReSOURCE Utilisation of post-mining potentials for sustainable re-development in Central European mining cities and regions
Area of Interventions: 4.1 Developing Polycentric Settlement Structures and Territorial Cooperation
Lead partner: District of Zwickau (Chemnitz, DE)
CENTROPE CAPACITY Sustainable urban and regional cooperation for a polycentric territorial development in a competitive CENTROPE region
Area of Interventions: 4.1 Developing Polycentric Settlement Structures and Territorial Cooperation
Lead partner: City of Vienna, Press and Information Services (Vienna, AT)
ACT4PPP Transnational Action for Public Private Partnership
Area of Interventions: 4.1 Developing Polycentric Settlement Structures and Territorial Cooperation
Lead partner: Federal Association of the State and Urban Development Companies (Berlin, DE)
Danube Limes – UNESCO World Heritage Nomination of the Central European part of the Roman Danube Limes within the international UNESCO World Heritage Framework “Frontiers of the Roman Empire”
Area of Interventions: 4.3 Capitalising on Cultural Resources for More Attractive Cities and Regions
Lead partner: KÖH – National Office of Cultural Heritage (Kozep-Magyarorszag, HU)
Q-AGEING Quality Ageing in an Urban Environment
Area of Interventions: 4.2 Addressing the Territorial Effects of Demographic and Social Change on Urban and Regional Development
Lead partner: Local Government & Municipality of District 11 of Budapest, ÚJBUDA (Kozep-Magyarorszag, HU)

CUSTODES Cultural Sites and Tourism: Development of European Strategies
Area of Interventions: 4.3 Capitalising on Cultural Resources for More Attractive Cities and Regions
Lead partner: Province of Rimini (Emilia-Romagna, IT)
LISTEN TO THE VOICE OF VILLAGES Local Initiative STrENgthening: how to build up a new TOurism in THE Valleys and among the mOst vItal CEntres OF rural VILLAGES
Area of Interventions: 4.3 Capitalising on Cultural Resources for More Attractive Cities and Regions
Lead partner: Autonomous Province of Trento (Provincia Autonoma Trento, IT)
CROSSCULTOUR Cross Marketing Strategies for Culture and Tourism for more Attractiveness and Competitiveness for Cities and Regions
Area of Interventions: 4.3 Capitalising on Cultural Resources for More Attractive Cities and Regions
Lead partner: Ministry of Regional Development and Transport of Federal Land Saxony-Anhalt (Sachsen-Anhalt, DE)
COBRA MAN Manager Coordinating Brownfield Redevelopment Activities
Area of Interventions: 4.1 Developing polycentric settlement structures and territorial cooperation
Lead partner: City of Bydgoszcz (Kujawsko-Pomorskie, PL)