Cultural heritage and creative resources

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Cultural heritage and creative resources

Cultural heritage and creative resources

CENTRAL EUROPE supports the protection and use of cultural heritage, such as monuments and traditions, to promote knowledge, strengthen regional identity and increase the attractiveness of regions.

The aim of the program is also to increase the value of culture, release the own creative and innovative potential of the Central European regions and thus stimulate the economies of the regions.

News and events

08 October 2014
SHIFT-X: our heritage is gold
May 27, 2014
Central Europe: the study highlights that they have achieved transnational cooperation helps maintain cultural heritage and supports the creative industry
April 11, 2014
Creative cities: the innovative promotion of creative industries is recognized as good practice by the European Commission
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Ljubljana Local Deployment Plan [Download PDF]
Network of European Rural Villages [PDF Download]
European strategy for the promotion of industrial heritage [PDF download]
Offer of a model of cooperation between the private and public sector in the revitalization of post-industrial areas [PDF download]
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