What were the main environmental conferences?

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Since the first environmental conference in Stockholm, the great nations have decided to hold this meeting again every ten years. At these world meetings, environmental changes are evaluated and, then, new goals are presented for the following decades. Follow the major conferences in defense of the environment now.

Stockholm, Sweden (1972)

The creation of the Stockholm Charter stood out at this event, which highlighted the need for a new civilizing attitude. It was established that natural resources could meet the needs of present generations, but should also continue to guarantee the same needs of future generations.

Nairobi, Kenya (1982)

Certain countries came together after the Stockholm Conference evaluation to form a World Commission on Environment and Development. This commission met in Nairobi and in 1987 they published a report called Our Common Future, which pointed out the need for sustainable development.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1992)

Known as Rio 92 or Eco 92, it was attended by representatives from 170 countries, in addition to several NGOs. Several documents were signed at this meeting, mainly aimed at modifying the consumerist model of development towards something more sustainable.

Johannesburg, South Africa (2002)

This UN conference on the environment was called Rio+10. It started with little optimism due to the lack of commitment from developed nations, which increased their environmental impacts, with the exception of some European countries.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2012)

It was a conference based on economic, social and environmental pillars, basically dealing with two themes:

the development of the green economy, that is, the intersection between the environment and the economy, which is based on the eradication of poverty;
the restructuring of the government of the United Nations based on sustainable development to guarantee, in this way, the international political commitment around sustainability.

Sustainable development expresses the relationship between economic growth, environmental conservation and social concern. Based on society’s awareness of the irrational use of natural resources and the environmental impacts generated by human action, the concept of sustainable growth stands as an alternative, which promotes the interdependence between economy, environment and society.

The concept of sustainable development thus refers to the importance of three principles for its implementation: economic, environmental and social principles. These actions also refer to the concept of sustainability, which is linked to the promotion of actions that offer support for economic growth, environmental preservation and the reduction of social inequality.

Thus, sustainable development is composed of a set of principles that permeate the development of the economy, based on environmental and social actions. To this end, the importance of sustainable development is perceived, which strives for economic growth so that there is no harm to future generations, since high environmental impacts are recorded by productive activities today. Examples of sustainable actions are:

  • the reuse of environmental resources, such as selective collection; and
  • the use of non-polluting means of transport, such as bicycles.

What is sustainable development?

Sustainable development is anchored in the economic development of humanity based on the conservation of natural resources. Thus, sustainable development means that natural resources are used rationally, that is, without their depletion, with a view to conserving these resources for future generations. Thus, the economic progress of society is sought based on the importance of environmental resources for productive activities and, also, on their conservation, in a clear concern for the future of humanity.

The term sustainable development is linked to the different debates on environmental issues promoted, especially at the end of the 20th century, through actions of the United Nations (UN). During this period, environmental concern became growing, due to the impacts caused by human action on the environment, as well as the emergence of issues such as climate change and global warming.

The discussion on sustainable development was first addressed at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, held in 1972, in the city of Stockholm (Sweden). This conference was an important moment of debate among countries on the environmental issue, especially on the global concern with the environmental risks of industrialization policies undertaken by companies.

trips, mainly by developed countries. In 1987, the document “Our Common Future” systematized these discussions and also established the term sustainable development.