Supporting environmentally friendly technologies and activities

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Environmentally friendly technologies are both a need for achieving an attractive environment but also a market for a sustainable economic development of Central Europe. The cooperation area shows big potential in this respect and has extraordinary chances for an exchange of practices.

Specific objectives

This area of intervention aims to promote environmentally friendly technologies and activities to ensure eco-efficient production processes. This should increase the lifecycle-thinking in the production process and lead to cleaner production and consumption. The improved interaction between the fields of production, environment and decision-making should support a durable change of environmental friendly production and behaviour.


  • promoting sustainable production and consumption with special attention to regional value added chains
  • fostering urban and regional technologies (waste and water-supply and management…) and the use of environmentally friendly technologies for local and regional suppliers of infrastructure
  • promoting transnational incentives (awarding schemes, best-practice web-platforms, certificates…) for eco-innovations
  • applying environmentally friendly technologies in production processes
    setting up integrated environmental management systems and developing environmentally sound practices
  • putting policies, strategies and technologies for sustainable constructions of buildings into practice