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Environmental awareness is growing47% of the public say they would change their lifestyles to be more environmentally friendly, even if it entails sacrifices and less convenience, according to Provident’s Barometer survey. The most frequently indicated actions taken for the environment are segregating waste, saving water and giving up plastic. Poles also expect a pro-environmental approach from companies. They would also like to work surrounded by vegetation. Today, half of those surveyed indicate that there are no plants at all or not enough in their workplace.

A survey conducted by Provident and social start-up showed that young people are very interested in ecology. And they are more likely to recognize the problems we have to face every day around the world. 47% of Poles are of the opinion that they would like to live more eco-friendly, even if this would involve some inconveniences and a subtle reduction in the standard of living.

11% are confident in their declaration

In this group, 11% are confident in their declaration, while 36% are rather ready for such a decision. The most determined are rural residents, as well as those in the 35-44 age group, seniors over 55 and the youngest, under 25. Those between 25 and 34 are the least eager to make sacrifices.

More than 50% of Poles say they want to introduce good, eco-friendly habits regarding waste segregation, 45% of respondents said they intend to start saving water, and 35.2% of respondents say they want to reduce their use of plastic and disposable packaging.

Other important initiatives include not wasting food (34.5%), saving energy (32.5%), respecting nature (29.2%) and planting trees (26%).

70% of Poles also expect corporations, businesses to behave in a pro-environmental, pro-social way – one that engages and shows brand awareness. This is because, in a way, such behavior also translates into the treatment of employees. If social commitment is important to a company, employees, their wellbeing, wellbeing and a calm and challenging approach to work are also important. This is also important at Provident, so this year, continuing our pro-environmental activities, we decided to plant 40,000 trees.

Ecological disasters and catastrophesThe survey indicated that Poles like to commune with nature and surround themselves with vegetation. It is important both where they live and where they work. However, many respondents complain about the scarcity of plants in their immediate surroundings.

One in five Poles say there is no greenery at all in the place where they work, and one in three say there is far too little of it. Young people are particularly concerned about this. Among respondents under the age of 35, the percentage of dissatisfied people fluctuates around 55%.

Vegetation is of great importance to us, not only in the office space, but also in the immediate area around the house. The lack of trees and shrubs bothers young people of the Zet generation the most. As part of the Barometer, we also asked a question about Poles’ favorite trees. The most popular tree among Poles turns out to be the birch, followed by the oak, and the chestnut tree in third place.

That’s why we encourage you to create green offices and plant trees wherever you can. Greenery should also accompany us every day in the spaces where we live and work. The start-up organizes a number of different trainings and workshops in which we teach how to create green spaces in offices.

Useful ecological knowledge

Links to environmental slogans, holidays, events and campaigns. Encyclopedia and knowledge on environmental topics. Environmental pollution forecast for Poland, Europe and the World. Overview of the most important environmental disasters and catastrophes in Poland and around the world.

Useful information on institutions, ministries, foundations, associations, Polish and international organizations dealing with environmental and nature protection.

Ecological aphorisms

Ecological aphorisms or golden thoughts, sentences, maxims, about the beauty, uniqueness and fragility of nature around us. Quotes, poems, proverbs on ecological themes, touching on the protection of nature and the environment.

Ecologist’s library

The largest alphabetical listing on the Polish Internet of books, guides for young and adult readers, on topics related to ecology, environmental protection and ecological threats.

Library of a young ecologist. The largest alphabetical listing on the Polish Internet of books, guides for children and young people, on topics related to ecology, environmental protection and ecological threats.

Useful ecological knowledge

Ecoprognosis or ecological forecast. World weather forecast, space weather. Interactive maps of coastal flooding hazards. Forecast of air, water, soil, environmental pollution for the area of Poland, Europe, the World. Smog alerts, online air quality results.

Ecological encyclopedia

Ecological encyclopedia – a precisely compiled compendium of knowledge about ecology, environmental protection and nature. It provides access to the entries you are looking for and the information assigned to them. The encyclopedia continues to be expanded and supplemented as the Enable Saving portal develops.

Ecological entries. The largest collection of ecological entries on ecology, environmental protection, nature on the Polish Internet. Currently the collection has 212 items.

Ecological hashtags (hashtags). A compilation of ecological hashtags for use on social networks, on topics related to climate change, pollution, eco-preservation, eco-conservation and renewable energy sources.

Calendar of environmental events. What, where. When. See the calendar of ecological events and sign up now for selected ecological fairs, meetings, events, lectures and webinars, organized by various institutions, organizations, foundations and associations.

Ecological disasters and catastrophes. The consequence of any human economic activity is the transformation of the environment. If the significant intensity of the adverse changes introduced into the environment leads to a state that it loses its ability to regenerate and self-regulate, then there is an ecological disaster.