Registration to the annual conference 2013 now open

Ochrana proti DDoS útokům dnes a zítra - projev na konferenci SECURE 2013
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Protecting against DDoS attacks today and tomorrow – speech at the SECURE 2013 conference

Protecting against DDoS attacks today and tomorrow – speech at the SECURE 2013 conference from PSNC gave a presentation on protection against DDos attacks at the seventeenth annual SECURE conference dedicated to the topic of ICT security, one of the largest conferences of this profile held in Poland. This year the conference was held at the Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw. The organizers were NASK and CERT Polska.

Presented the experience and results of his own research (conducted together with Marcin Jerzak – also from the PSNC security team) in the field of protection against DoS and DDoS attacks. Distributed denial of service attacks are becoming one of the most serious threats to system security.

The scope of the threat and the magnitude of potential losses are constantly growing, and large-scale attacks are very difficult to deal with.

As part of the presentation, an overview of the most interesting DDoS attacks and ways to counter their effects was presented. The authors presented new aspects related to bounce-type attacks, which significantly increase the volume of traffic during the attack, and looked at the most interesting technologies that can increase the effectiveness of both the attacks themselves and the systems that defend against them in the future.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the prepared presentation.

We thank the organizers for providing the photos.

Professionals from the fine chemicals industry will gather to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the conference, which provides unique opportunities for collaboration, industry thinking and education. HAMILTON, N.J. , Oct. 18, 2013 / PRNewswire / — Registration has opened for InformEx 2014, North America’s premier industry event for buyers and sellers of fine chemicals in 30 years. More than 3,500 attendees from leading pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers of fine and specialty chemicals will gather in Miami Beach, Florida from January 21-24 for conferences and information-sharing events.

Participants can register through the website:

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“Over the past thirty years, InformEx has established itself as the premier event in the fine chemicals and specialty chemicals industry as a global buyer community driven by sourcing and networking,” said Nancy Largay, InformEx Brand Director. – “Looking to the future, on the occasion of the start of the 30th year of operation, we are pleased that this prestigious event will be held in Miami – a busy place that is popular with participants and characterized by excellent transport accessibility.”

The offer of the 30th edition of InformEx 2014 includes:

Educational panels on current issues. A series of meeting-based educational panels dedicated to current topics that address the most important issues facing today’s suppliers, distributors and customers in the fine chemicals and specialty chemicals markets. Sound-isolating headphones make it easier for participants to focus and actively participate in these “quiet” sessions, even in noisy environments.