Registration: Annual Conference for Education and Training | End of Term

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Registration is now open for the Annual Conference on “Digital Transformation in Education and Training”, promoted by the Sectorial Commission for Education and Training (CS/11), of which the University of Beira Interior is a member. The event takes place on October 13 (Wednesday), between 9:30 am and 5:30 pm.

Participation is free but subject to prior registration, until September 30 for participants who will be at the Aula Magna at UTAD (Vila Real) and until October 5 for participants who will watch online (via Zoom). In 2021, the Annual Conference for Education and Training will take place at the Aula Magna of the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, in Vila Real, the institution that will host this event, organized for the first time in a hybrid format and broadcast in directly via Zoom.

More than a year after the covid-19 pandemic was declared, which forced Education and Training Institutions to adopt an “emergency teaching” in online mode, CS/11 intends with this event to promote the sharing of knowledge acquired through over this time, as well as the exchange of experiences between Education and Training Institutions in order to contribute to a Digital Transformation of Education that can satisfy all interested parties.

The conference is intended for all professionals and actors in the Education and Training system in Portugal, as well as those interested in teaching issues and their daily and long-term challenges.

APS annual conference debates Smart Living

mart Living – Technology and Innovation in the daily life of the Future is the main theme of the annual Conference of the Portuguese Association of Insurers that takes place this Wednesday morning from 9.30h.The opening will be held by José Galamba de Oliveira, President of APS and by Pedro Siza Vieira, Minister of State, Economy and Digital Transition.

The first panel will focus on The future of work – challenges and opportunities in the age of digital nomads and will have as keynote speaker Nadim Habib, Professor at Nova SBE. Afterwards, Pedro Rocha Vieira, CEO and co-founder of Beta-i, will talk about Innovation, Rogério Campos Henriques, CEO of Fidelidade, will talk about Seguros and Guilherme Machado Dray, lawyer at Macedo Vitorino & Associados and Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon , will address Work.

A second panel, starting at 11 am, has as its theme The experience of the new reality – the future is now?, starting with the intervention Tom Standage, deputy editor, head of digital strategy and Editor of The World In, The Economist. Then Eduardo Ramos, Executive Director of BRISA and CEO of Via Verde will talk about Mobility, while on Tourism & Leisure will be an investor speaker Henrique de Castro and Steven Braekeveldt, CEO of Grupo Ageas Portugal will cover the areas of Health and Well-being of the insurance industry .

In closing, Margarida Corrêa de Aguiar, President of the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority will speak on behalf of ASF and João Nuno Mendes, Secretary of State for Finance, will speak on behalf of the Government.

Be one of the speakers at the ATA annual conference

The deadline for translators associations, translation companies and independent professionals to submit their presentation proposals for the 53rd annual conference of the American Translators Association (ATA) is March 12. The most important translators association in the USA is accepting proposals for the event that will take place between the 24th and 27th of October, in the Californian city of San Diego.

This is an important event that promotes the professional development of translators and interpreters. It usually includes more than 150 pedagogical sessions, including a selection of three-hour seminars, which go deep into the themes and which precede the conference itself.

It is possible to follow the sessions of this annual conference in more than a dozen languages ​​and the subjects covered concern several specializations.There are speakers from all over the world and volunteers who share their experience and expertise with the participants. They are active translators and interpreters, many of them also educators, lawyers, doctors, CEOs and managers.

Speaking at the ATA annual conference is both a challenge and an opportunity. Proposals received by this translators association are selected through a competitive peer review process.If your proposal is accepted, you will have, among other advantages, a discount on your registration at the conference. On the ATA website, you will find the form to submit your proposal and tips to make your submission suggestion a winning proposal.