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The Joint Technical Secretariat  of CENTRAL EUROPE has revised the implementation manual for its projects. Among others, the revision aims to simplify and optimise procedures for project monitoring. Together with a guide on the main changes, the implementation manual can be downloaded HERE.

The new implementation manual enters into force today, 5 August, and has been adapted to changed EU regulations and different characteristics of the CENTRAL EUROPE calls for proposals. It improves the implementation rules on the basis of experiences made in project implementation so far and rephrases some chapters in order to ensure a clear understanding.

One of the main changes concerns the submission of reports: this procedure has been simplified by reducing the number of hard copy submissions from two to one for each report and by substituting the e-mail submission of documents with a user-friendly upload tool on the CENTRAL EUROPE website. All lead partners of approved projects will soon receive ad-hoc instructions and a link to the document upload tool including a user name and password.

For further information on the revised implementation manual, please refer to the guide and the FAQs, provided by the Joint Technical Secretariat to highlight changes and to answer questions related to the revision.