Mental Health Conference discusses the importance of the psychosocial care network in Ilhéus

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The City Hall, through the Health Department (Sesau), with support from the Municipal Health Council (CMSI), held the 2nd Mental Health Conference to discuss the importance of the psychosocial care network in the city. The event took place on Thursday (7), in the auditorium of the Faculty of Ilhéus. With the theme “Mental Health Policy as a right: for the defense of care in freedom, towards advances and guarantee of psychosocial care services in the SUS”, the conference brought together professionals in the area, health workers and representatives from different segments of society .

The head of Sesau, André Cezário, stressed that the participation of managers and society enriches the debate and makes proposals possible, in order to expand public policies aimed at the area. “We are attentive to listen to the community and ensure a quality service that meets the demands presented”.

The agenda of the meeting evaluated the health situation of the population and the structure of the municipal network. According to the president of the CMSI, Marcos Lessa, the environment is conducive to mobilizing society, as well as debating and formulating public policies for the SUS to strengthen the Psychosocial Care Services Network.

The lectures were given by Professor Rozemere Cardoso de Souza, with an approach to the central theme, “Mental Health Policy as a right: for the defense of care in freedom, towards advances and guarantee of psychosocial care services in the SUS”.

The other subjects were divided into axes, with the theme “Care in freedom as a guarantee of rights and citizenship”, addressed by master teacher Vanessa Thamiris; “Mental Health Policy and the principles of SUS”, addressed by master nurse Viviane Souza.

The last axis presented the themes “Management, financing, training and social participation in guaranteeing mental health services”; and “Impacts on the Mental Health of the population and the challenges for psychosocial care during the post-pandemic”, taught by Professor Erika Antunes Vasconcelos.

Municipal Health Council Holds the Municipal Stage of the 5th National Conference on Mental Health in Boa Esperança

The Municipal Health Council of Boa Esperança promoted last Wednesday (22), in the CRAS auditorium, the 5th Conference that puts on the agenda: “The Mental Health Policy as a right: For the defense of care in freedom, towards advances and guarantee of psychosocial care services in the SUS”. The Conference aims to propose guidelines for the Formulation of the National Mental Health Policy and the strengthening of Mental Health programs and actions at all levels.

The Conference was started by the president of the Municipal Health Council Davi Antônio Mendes, who then passed the floor to the Municipal Mayor Fernanda Milanese, who affirmed the importance of the conference in our municipality and asked for everyone’s dedication so that in the next steps, Regional and Federal, Boa Esperança can add value to the new guidelines. Soon after, the Municipal Health Secretary Rogério Vieira also praised the importance of the conference and thanked everyone who was present there. The main speech on the theme of the conference was given by Social Worker Flávia da Silva Santos and Psychologist Valdilene Turini Alves.

After completing the speeches and instructions, the participants were divided into groups to discuss the themes according to each axis, to prepare proposals, the main axis being “Strengthening and guaranteeing Public Policies: the SUS, mental health care in freedom and respect for Human Rights”, which was divided into sub-axes:
● Care in Freedom as a Guarantee of the Right to Citizenship;
● Management, financing, training and social participation in guaranteeing mental health services;
● Mental health policy and SUS principles: Universality, Integrality and Equity;
● Impacts on the population’s mental health and challenges for psychosocial care during and after the pandemic.