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Since 1993, the Meeting of Minds (MOM) Annual Graduate Conference has provided a forum for the presentation and publication of graduate research and creative pursuits. As a collaborative effort between the University of Michigan-Flint, University of Michigan-Dearborne Oakland University, MOM showcases the results of student-faculty collaboration in research and creative activities across academic disciplines. Undergraduate students who are considering getting involved in research should also participate to learn about exciting future possibilities.

Presenters must be undergraduate students at UM-Flint, UM-Dearborn or Oakland University. Recent graduates (i.e. students who graduated in the period before or immediately after the event) may also present.All other guests (faculty advisors, non-presenting students, staff, family, friends and any visitors) just need to register for the event.

Oral presentations should not exceed 15 minutes in length. Ideally, presentations should include a 10-minute talk and approximately 3-5 minutes of Q&A. Oral presentations are delivered in mediated classrooms equipped with a computer, a projection unit, VGA sockets for a personal laptop, USB connections, a document camera and a DVD/VCR for your video/audio playback needs.

Poster Presentations
Poster sizes should not exceed 36″ x 48″. During poster sessions, presenters are close enough to their poster to discuss it while others walk by. Poster mounting options vary by institution. When the event is held at UM-Flint, an easel, foam board and binding clips are provided to assemble and display the posters.

Performance and Demonstration Projects
Presenters may also lead presentations that include art, music and/or drama. Whenever possible, presentations will be scheduled with other presentations and/or oral presentations on the same topics. The performance should last 10-12 minutes and no longer than 15 minutes.

Students demonstrating a product or invention will be able to do so in conjunction with hour-long poster sessions. Space and equipment will be provided as requested by the presenter.

Meeting of Minds Journal of Undergraduate Research
Students who present at MOM not only have a unique opportunity to share the results of their work, they also have the opportunity to publish their work in our annual Journal of Minds. Click here to view the previous Meeting of Minds Journals.

Guide to COP26: What you need to know about the world’s biggest climate event

“Without decisive action, we are playing with our last chance to literally turn the tide,” said UN Secretary-General António Guterres on the eve of the opening of the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP26). But why could this be the last chance for the world? Through questions and answers, this brief guide explains what is at stake in this edition of the Conference and what are the main facts of the climate emergency.

COP26 appears as a window of opportunity to avoid a series of catastrophes. The event began on Sunday (31), in the Scottish city of Glasgow, and brought together nearly 200 countries to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.Check out the main questions and answers about the UN Conference on Climate Change, COP26, and understand the event in the context of the climate crisis.

What is COP26?
In simple terms, COP26 is the largest and most important climate conference on the planet. In 1992, the United Nations organized a huge event in Rio de Janeiro, the Earth Summit, when the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was adopted.

In this treaty, nations agreed to “stabilize concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere” to prevent dangerous interference by human activity with the climate system. Currently, the agreement has 197 signatories.

Since 1994, when the agreement came into force, the United Nations has annually brought together almost every country on the planet for global climate summits, or “COPs”, which stands for “Conference of the Parties”. This was supposed to be the 27th annual meeting, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a one-year delay as the 2020 meeting was postponed – hence the designation COP26.