Decree-Law no. 137/2014, of 12 September, establishes the governance model of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), for the period 2014-2020, as well as the organic structure for the year, namely, of support, monitoring, management, follow-up and evaluation, certification, audit and control powers, under the terms of Regulation (EU) No. 1303/2013, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 17 December.
Pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 8 of article 19 of Decree-Law no. 137/2014, of 12 September, the Management Authorities are the entities responsible for the management, monitoring and execution of the respective Operational Programmes, the which assume the nature of mission structures and are created by Resolution of the Council of Ministers.
Through Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 73-B/2014, of 16 December, the Mission Structure of the PO ISE was created, defining the mission, objectives and competences, the form of designation of the members that comprise the respective steering committee, the composition of the technical secretariat and the terms of provision of logistical and administrative support.
The Management Authority’s mission is to manage, monitor and implement the program, in accordance with the defined objectives and results and in compliance with the management rules contained in the applicable European and national legislation, also exercising the powers provided for in the Decree-Law 137/2014, of 12 September, namely that provided for in subparagraph a) of paragraph 4 of article 83, with regard to the closure of the Human Potential Operational Program (POPH), as well as the management, monitoring and execution of the Operational Support Program for the Most Deprived People (PO APMC).
The functioning of the Management Authority is based on a mission structure that includes two bodies: the Steering Committee and the Technical Secretariat. The Executive Committee is made up of a chairman and two executive members, supported by a technical secretariat that, operating under its responsibility, exercises the powers assigned to it, namely those provided for in article 29 of Decree-Law no. 137/2014, of September 12.
The members of the Steering Committee were appointed at the proposal of the members of the Government responsible for the following policy areas: employment and social security, gender equality, regional development, health and education.
The Executive Committee of the Management Authority of the PO ISE has the following composition:
President: Domingos Jorge Ferreira Lopes
Executive Vows: Sandra Lopes de Castro Tavares
Maria Manuela Félix Florencio Bessone Mauritti
The Management Authority reports to the Interministerial Coordination Commission – CIC Portugal 2020, with logistical and administrative support provided by the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security.
Programmatic Text of PO ISE
Version 6.0 – COVID 19 Reprogramming
Programmatic Text of PO ISE updated on 09/21/2020
Implementing Decision of the European Commission C(2020) 6542 approving the Reprogramming Proposal
Proposal for Reprogramming – 08/27/2020
Version 5.0 – Adjustments arising from the Performance Framework
Programmatic Text of PO ISE updated on 01/21/2020
Implementing Decision of the European Commission C(2020)348 approving the Reprogramming Proposal
Reprogramming Proposal – 11/11/2019
Version 4.0 – Reinforcement of the IEJ allocation
Programmatic Text of PO ISE updated on 11/11/2019
Implementing Decision of the European Commission C(2019) 8126 approving the Reprogramming Proposal
Reprogramming Proposal – 09/17/2019
Version 3.2 – 2018 Global Rescheduling
Programmatic Text of PO ISE updated on 12/04/2018
Implementing Decision of the European Commission C(2018) 8325 approving the Reprogramming Proposal
Proposal for Reprogramming – 07/20/2018
Version 2.1 – Reinforcement of the IEJ allocation and adjustment of the ESF
Programmatic Text of PO ISE updated on 12/18/2017)
Implementing Decision of the European Commission C(2017) 8860 approving the Reprogramming Proposal
Proposal for Reprogramming – 11/08/2017
Version 1.3 – Initial
Programmatic Text of PO ISE (09/12/2014)
Implementing Decision of the European Commission C(2014) 9621 approving the Program Text