Know the differences between the types of corporate events.

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Events are today an increasingly present strategy in the business world. The modalities vary according to the needs of the organizers or even the sponsors. While a workshop, for example, aims at an in-depth approach to a given subject in a more practical way, the seminar consists of an oral presentation for participants who have some prior knowledge of the subject to be discussed.

It has become a necessity for professionals to get to know and participate in events, not only to stay informed about trends in their areas, but also to expand their networks of contacts. Understand each other’s goals. Are they:


It can be defined as a meeting promoted by associative entities, aiming at the debate of subjects that interest a certain segment. It is divided into several activities, such as round tables, conferences, symposia, lectures, commissions, panels, courses, among others. Congresses can be regional, national and international. It is a very comprehensive product, but not very focused. It is interesting for contacts and for keeping informed about what is happening in the sector he represents.


It is promoted by business or political entities. In all conventions, the integration of people belonging to a particular organization is sought, submitting to certain collective stimuli so that they can act in defense of the interests of the promoting institution. There is a greater exposure of subjects by several people with the presence of a coordinator. The dynamic is chosen by the organizer when the duration is several days. As conventions are closed meetings, which aim at some conclusion, the information is very specific and directed to the group that participates in the event.


It consists of an oral presentation for participants who have some prior knowledge of the subject to be discussed. The dynamics of the seminar is divided into three moments: the exposition phase, the discussion phase and the conclusion phase. It is a more focused but partial informational product. The information normally has a single source – the speaker or expositor – and, as a result, it can be biased. Usually, the speaker is a guru or expert on the subject being exposed.

Round table

It is a classic type meeting, prepared and conducted by a coordinator, who works as a moderator, guiding the discussion so that it always remains around the main theme. Exhibitors have limited time to present their ideas and for further discussion. Normally, the roundtable is part of broader events. It is used when the subject is not yet consolidated and raises discussions. Ideal for those who want to have several different views on a particular topic.


It is a derivative of the roundtable, having the characteristic of being of high level, with the participation of different aspects of certain subjects – and always with the presence of a coordinator. The fundamental difference between the symposium and the roundtable is that in the former, the exhibitors do not discuss the topics presented among themselves. The questions, answers and the debate itself are made directly to the audience participant. The topic is usually scientific. Its main objective is to carry out an exchange of information.

Discussion Panel

Another type of meeting derived from the roundtable. The difference is that, on the panel, the exhibitors debate the subject of the agenda among themselves, and the attending public is solely responsible for acting as a spectator. Another distinction: on the panel, the debaters are renowned professionals in the fields in which they work, which does not necessarily happen in the roundtable. In addition to the chair, the panel may have a coordinator and a moderator.


Type of meeting that aims to achieve the effective participation of a large audience, which must be motivated. It is becoming a very common form, mainly due to the growing need to sensitize public opinion to certain social problems. Usually, they are broader events that deal with general issues of sectors and industries or topics of social or political interest.


It always consists of two parts: the auditorium and the exhibitors. These can talk about a previously chosen subject and of their wide knowledge. At the end of this period, they answer questions posed by the audience. The conference is aimed at a specific audience that demonstrates familiarity with the subject matter. According to the organizing companies, it is a service that provides the market with managerial, practical and focused information for executives. Of the interactive information products it is the most complex and the most cost-effective. In addition to offering participants the absorption of practical information, it also gives the opportunity to make contacts and business, in addition to exchanging experiences with the other participants, a

since the conference audience is quite familiar with the topic addressed.


It aims to detail, deepen a particular subject in a more practical way. It usually has a moderator and one or two speakers. The dynamics of the session is divided into three moments: exposition, discussion in groups or teams and conclusion. It is usually linked to a conference, where other issues related to the workshop theme are discussed.


It consists of an oral presentation by a renowned professional to participants who have prior knowledge of the subject to be debated. It is a more focused, informational product that typically accompanies a conference. There are two types of briefing: introductory and advanced. The first seeks to provide participants with the information needed to follow the discussions developed at a related conference. The second gives an in-depth look at a particular subject that was the subject of discussion at a related conference.


It consists of detailing a particular subject or set of themes with the focus of \”training\” or \”teaching to do\”. It is composed of exhibitions by people normally with an academic background who seek to pass on their knowledge to the participants. The focus is more on theory than on practice, but does not exclude it. It is suitable for people who have little or no knowledge of the subject, with the exception of specialization courses, whose objective is to improve those who already master the subject.