Nowalijki in April – are they worth eating?
We should reach for vegetables when the season is in full swing. Do April spring vegetables have more vitamins than harmful substances? Check!
Why is a gluten-free diet not recommended?
August 2015 4:00 am
Tips for health
Why is a gluten-free diet not recommended?
If you’re considering switching to a gluten-free diet to shed a few pounds without changing your entire diet – read on to find out why it’s not a good idea.
How should you eat after a tonsillectomy?
3 mysza75 mouse75 | Platinum Expert | Regulations: 914, Articles: 77
April 15, 2015 at 11:32 am
Tips for health
How should you eat after a tonsillectomy?
Many people associate problems with tonsils primarily with children. That’s a mistake – even adults face this problem. When the tonsils are diseased, we often get angina – they have to be cut out because they attack the joints, the heart and even the ears and lead to chronic inflammation. How should you eat after such a treatment?
Perz – nightmare or medicine?
3 zwa zwa | Platinum Expert | Regulations: 2423, articles: 131
April 15, 2015 10:06 am
Tips for health
Perz – nightmare or medicine?
In our gardens and fields, we have always associated couch grass with weeds that are difficult to remove. White mustard and its applications 2 zwa zwa | Platinum Expert | Regulations: 2423, articles: 131 April 14, 2015 11:32 am
Tips for health
White mustard and its use
The plant is used not only as a spice when preparing marinades for vegetables, fish or meat. Its seeds are also used for medicinal purposes!
Take a nap… for your health
Not just healthy salads and physical activity.
There is nothing more satisfying than a good night’s sleep!
No matter what time of day it is, being able to take a short nap is a great feeling! And despite all the hype about how good it is to be active, it’s good to know that a little extra rest will do you good…
Because new research has shown that napping can have remarkable—and surprising—health benefits. For those who want to sleep all night without having to go to the toilet. Natural WAY for male ailments: Alopecia – 100% saw palmetto fruit extract.
Get it here with a 20% discount.
Overcome your health problems
Taking a nap just once or twice a week has been shown to help prevent:
Heart Failure!
Let’s look at the evidence.
You see, there was some research done before to see if there was a link between heart health and naps, but nothing was found to link that link.
Till this day…
In this study, Swiss researchers looked at heart events in 3,462 people to see if there was a link between napping and heart attack prevention.
Taking a nap once or twice a week was associated with a 48% lower risk of heart attack, stroke and heart failure.
- It is true! You can protect your heart with a siesta once or twice a week!
- Isn’t it great that the best medicine is something you actually WANT to do?
- But I still have BETTER news: there is no correlation between the results and the LENGTH of your sleep.