How to make the most of summer time

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Summertime can turn out to be an ally of well-being, as long as you don’t fall into a vortex of psychophysical exhaustion from the excess of energy.

This can be avoided by following a few simple but effective tips

Staying in the sun: a conscientious stay promotes the synthesis of vitamin D, which, among other things, regulates the enzyme that converts tryptophan into serotonin, the hormone of good mood;
go to the gym: with the increase in daylight, it is easier to overcome laziness and find the necessary sprint for physical activity;

  • Tomu se lze vyhnout dodržováním několika jednoduchých, ale účinných tipůtake time: an extra hour of light means being able to give the right space to your passions or even just for a moment to forget about the daily madness;
  • savings: adopting daylight saving time has a positive effect on electricity and gas costs, allowing you to save. A big plus when you consider the times.

Work is a fundamental part of the life of each of us. No doubt because it serves a primary function of providing us with the resources to satisfy our needs. But that is not all. Work has a very important social function because it helps us feel an active part of the community and allows us to identify with what we do and feel satisfied.

In many cases, however, this does not happen.

Partly because of the precarious situation that forces you to accept any job under any contractual and economic conditions; partly because we all have dreams, passions and skills, but it’s not always possible to find a job that allows us to make the most of them in order to feel fulfilled and satisfied. We are here with a large number of cases of burnout, stress, depression, anxiety related to the work environment.

What is burnout

Burnout, also known as work-related nervous breakdown or work-related stress, originates precisely in the work environment and the pressure exerted by the system, always in search of better performance, more difficult goals and widespread uncertainty.

According to the experts at, with whom we discussed this topic, the consequences of this state of constant pressure, taken to extremes, coincide with what is called burnout syndrome: fatigue and chronic weakness (physical and mental), difficulty concentrating and inability relax, insomnia problems, nervousness, inability to experience pleasure and positive emotions, general pain (headaches and gastrointestinal disorders).

In 2019, burnout was recognized as a “syndrome” and listed as such in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), the global reference text for all diseases and medical conditions.

Burnout, causes

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More and more people are dealing with psychological disorders such as anxiety, stress, depression caused by the work environment. In some cases, the cause is an overly demanding boss, in others, a lack of communication, poor support from colleagues, an undefined role in the company, the inability to make a career, complicated interpersonal relationships.

But also oppressive shifts and not very respectful of the worker’s private life, strenuous working conditions, an environment with poor lighting, little air exchange, non-compliance with hygiene standards. All these factors can contribute to creating situations of psychological distress that should not be underestimated.