This Thursday (7), World Health Day, Frente pela Vida launches the National Free, Democratic and Popular Health Conference. The movement draws attention to the importance of free and universal health. The conference will be broadcast on youtube at 17 pm, through the channels of the front member entities.
The Frente pela Vida is also organizing a large face-to-face meeting of various movements linked to the struggle for the right to health, which will take place on August 5th. “The population recognized the importance of the Unified Health System (SUS) in dealing with the covid-19 pandemic, even when decapitalized by the spending ceiling (Constitutional Amendment 95) and attacked by political and economic sectors that understand health only as a commodity”, says the Front.
World Health Day has been celebrated since 1950 and aims to make people aware of the importance of preserving health to have a better quality of life.For the debate and dissemination of the event, the Front made available on its website the arts of convening in the download materials section, the thesis 2021-2022 of the Brazilian Center for Health Studies (Cebes), Strengthening the SUS, in Defense of Democracy and Life , from the Brazilian Association of Collective Health (Abrasco) and the Report of the 16th National Health Conference.
Frente pela Vida – Frente pela Vida is a network of entities, associations and social movements created in June 2020 that were organized to value science, SUS, democracy and solidarity in government actions against the coronavirus. The actions carried out in these 2 years include the elaboration of the National Plan to Combat Covid-19, to assist political and health authorities, as well as SUS managers and society in general in the management against SARS-Cov-19, intersectoral documents bringing together Health , Education and Social Assistance and the campaign “Brazil needs SUS”.
World Health Day is marked by the launch of the National Free, Democratic and Popular Health Conference
In order to draw attention to the importance of free and universal health, the Frente pela Vida calls all Brazilian society to build the Free, Democratic and Popular National Conference on Health, scheduled for August 5, 2022. launch took place yesterday (7), World Health Day.
Juan Mendes, vice president of Conass for the northern region, participated in the launch and highlighted the importance of social control in the consolidation of the public health system, strengthening constitutional principles. “As a nurse working in Primary Health Care for many years, I know how important it is for us to be through participation and social control in our Unified Health System (SUS)”, he highlighted.
According to the Frente, with an invitation to the event, “the population recognized the importance of the SUS in facing the Covid-19 pandemic, even though it was undercapitalized by the Expenditure Ceiling (Constitutional Amendment 95) and attacked by political and economic sectors that understand health. just as a commodity.
In this sense, Frente Pela Vida presented the proposal to organize a large face-to-face meeting between the various movements linked to the struggle for the right to health to group banners of struggle: a National Free, Democratic and Popular Health Conference, to be held in August . The Free National Conference will join the preparatory process of the 17th National Health Conference, of the National Health Council (CNS), which will take place in 2023.
For the debate and dissemination of the event, Frente will make available on its website the art of convening, publications and other products in the Download Materials section. It is already possible to find the following preparatory documents: Thesis 2021-2022 of the Brazilian Center for Health Studies (Cebes), Strengthening the SUS, in Defense of Democracy and Life, of the Brazilian Association of Collective Health (Abrasco) and the Report of the 16th National Health Conference.