The environmental movement is known worldwide due to its great political and social influence. UN meetings with the world’s greatest leaders are frequent to address the issue. The great political and economic influence of ecologism has already reached the entire planet.
It is necessary to study the environmental movement, one of the most powerful that ever existed, to better understand contemporary society.
There are many cases of corruption and scientific manipulation in the environmental movement. Interestingly, the mainstream media does not report them. Some will be reported here.This is just one of the themes that the new film Curtain of Smoke, by Brasil Paralelo, addresses. Be sure to watch.
What is the environmental movement?
The environmental movement is an ecological, political and social movement that seeks to care for the environment. Its focus is on repairing man-made damage to nature and developing methods of material progress that do not harm the environment.Sustainability and the green economy are the central pillars of the environmental movement.
What are the goals of the environmental movement?
According to environmental activists, its objective is to protect the existing biodiversity on the planet and ensure the survival of future generations through renewable and clean energy sources.
How and when did the environmental movement arise?
The environmental movement has its beginnings in the period of the Industrial Revolution. At this time, diffuse reactions to man-made pollution were emerging. However, it was after the detonation of the nuclear bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima that the environmental movement was organized and took the form known today.
During the Industrial Revolution, humans began to cause large-scale damage to the environment. Famous and necessary rivers for cities, such as London’s River Thames, were degraded.
By 1610, river water was no longer considered potable. At the height of its pollution, during the 19th century, the river was nicknamed the “Great Stink” (currently, the river has been unpolluted).
The stench of the waters was so strong that many sessions of Parliament had to be suspended at the height of the Industrial Revolution. Outraged by this situation, some people began to react against the pollution in a punctual and sporadic way.
Two leading figures came out openly against environmentally irresponsible development, which also abused workers, namely G.K Chesterton and J.R.R. Tolkien. We have an article explaining Chesterton’s Distributism, an alternative to capitalism and socialism.
It was only after the detonation of the 2 nuclear bombs in Japan that environmentalists began to organize and form specifically environmental groups. After seeing the level of destruction capacity that the human being had reached, environmental groups articulated internationally to try to contain a possible destruction of the planet.
In 1948, the IUCN was founded in France, at the time known as the International Union for the Protection of Nature (IUPN). This was the first organization of the environmental movement.
After its foundation, several other institutions began to emerge, organize and militate around the world.
In 1961, the WWF (formerly known as the World Wide Fund for Nature) was founded.
In 1971, Greenpeace was founded.
Discover the hidden history and main scandals of Greenpeace.
Hidden origins of the environmental movement
However, part of the real thinking of the main environmentalist ideologues is not widely publicized. Most of the most important thinkers in the environmental movement defend pagan and/or pantheistic ideas, claiming that nature is a deity and human beings are a plague on the planet.
Lee Rockwell’s article, published on the Mises Institute website, brings several examples. John Muir, an American environmentalist, born in 1838, is one of the movement’s main ideologues. He wrote several books that were widely circulated, and he had great political influence during his lifetime. He managed to create conservation parks and prevented the construction of several dams.
In his theory, Muir asserts that fauna and flora are superior to humanity, since, according to him, nature “never loses its greatness and never depraves”, and man is always and everywhere an “evil and destructive influence”. “.
Therefore, concluded Muir, alligators and other predators should be “blessed today and always with their mouths full of men, screaming in terror as they are savored like a fine delicacy “. Muir founded the NGO Sierra Club, which is still active today.
It was the first non-governmental organization (NGO) to dedicate itself to protecting the environment. It currently has three million eight hundred thousand members, making it one of the most powerful NGOs in the US. In 1903, Muir went on a three-night camping trip in 1903 with Theodore Roosevelt, the US president who helped shape the