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Too long training runs the risk of completely weakening and demotivating us. But with shorter and lighter exercises, we will rather devote ourselves to physical activity every day. The mentioned study was carried out by experts from the University of Copenhagen and was published in the Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.

Scientists involved 60 rather overweight Danish men in the study

Vědci do studie zapojili 60 dánských mužů se spíše nadváhouObservations lasted 13 weeks. The volunteers were divided into two groups. Daily training had to consist of jogging and exercise on a stationary bike. The duration was set at 30 minutes for the first group and 1 hour for the second group.

Result? Participants who exercised for only half an hour a day achieved better weight loss goals. The volunteers in the first group lost 3.6 kilos, while the participants in the second group, who trained twice as long, only lost 2.7 kilos.

The experts’ conclusions follow from this. During a shorter training, the body is not exhausted, but still full of energy. After running or cycling, you want to go for a walk outside, such as walking the dog or taking the stairs instead of taking the elevator. The secret to losing weight and staying in shape? Constant and moderate exercise that is a pleasure and not a duty.

  • In the last 5 years, the ketogenic diet has become increasingly popular among athletes.
  • The approach that has now become popular places fat at the center of daily nutritional intake.
  • According to the research carried out so far, keto combined with sports is not only possible, but also a winning choice (1,2).
  • In this definitive guide, you’ll find all the information, studies and answers you’re looking for to boost your athletic performance with the ketogenic diet.

At the end you will also find a sample of the daily menu

Here is the guide index:

  1. What does it mean to be a keto athlete?
  2. Benefits for athletes and athletes
  3. Can you build muscle on a ketogenic diet?
  4. Possible difficulties or side effects
  5. Important points you should not underestimate
  6. Increase your keto with the SAUTÓN Approach
  7. Intermittent fasting
  8. Exercise before breakfast
  9. Your weekly menu
  10. Keto-friendly pre-workout supplements

Na konci najdete i ukázku denního menuWhat does it mean to be a keto athlete?

It means that you rely on fat and not sugar as the main fuel for your physical exertion, using ketones instead of glycogen. When it comes to ketogenic training, it is essential to ask yourself this question: can a balanced ketogenic diet provide enough fuel for physical exertion, just like sugar ?

This guide serves to answer just that question. In this regard, it is interesting to note that the main difference between an amateur athlete and a professional athlete is not the ability to burn sugar, but rather the ability to burn fat.

The better the latter, the better for the athlete.

With that clear, it’s easy to see how a well-executed and balanced ketogenic approach can provide a very interesting response to the short- and long-term energy demands of athletes, both amateur and professional.