Central europe monitoring committee decided on the project proposals to be approved within the restr

Mezi nejdůležitější kompetence výboru patří zejména
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The Monitoring Committee acts as an independent advisory and opinion-forming body, appointed by the Managing Authority of the Eastern Poland Program (MA OP EP).

It consists of representatives of the government and local government as well as partners (including representatives of the world of science, trade unions and employers’ organizations, chambers of commerce and non-governmental organizations). In addition, representatives of other institutions, including the European Commission, may participate as observers in the meetings of the Monitoring Committee.

Meetings of the Monitoring Committee are held according to the needs of the OP EP MA, but at least once a year. Its detailed composition, mode of operation and principles of operation are defined by the MA OP EP, which also has a secretariat to support the committee’s work.

Tasks and powers of the Monitoring Committee

  • Among the most important competences of the committee are in particular
    systematic review of program implementation in the context of achievement of
  • milestones and targets;
  • analyze any issues affecting the program;
  • submitting comments on the implementation and evaluation of OP EP and monitoring the measures taken as a result;
  • promoting horizontal principles.

In fulfilling its tasks, the Monitoring Committee approves:

  • methodology and criteria for project selection,
  • annual and final reports on the implementation of OP EP,
  • proposals of the MA OP EP on changes to the program.

Principy jmenování a fungování Monitorovacího výboru jsou určeny především

The monitoring committee can appoint permanent working groups, which are mainly devoted to selected issues connected with the implementation of the program (e.g. innovation or transport infrastructure) and monitoring activities of a horizontal nature. To solve materially complex questions, the Committee may use the opinions of independent experts or the services of other specialized institutions that commission work in this area.

The principles of the appointment and functioning of the Monitoring Committee are primarily determined

  • Act on the principles of implementation of programs in the area of ​​financial cohesion policy in the financial perspective 2014-2020 (chapter 10)
  • Directive of the Minister of Infrastructure and Development regarding monitoring committees for the period 2014-2020.
  • Decree No. 18 of the Minister of Infrastructure and Development of the Czech Republic of March 4, 2015 on the appointment of the Monitoring Committee of the Operational Program Eastern Poland 2014-2020 (PDF 298 KB)
  • Amended Regulation of the Minister of Finance, Funds and Regional Policy on the establishment of the Monitoring Committee of the Operational Program Eastern Poland 2014-2020 of 18 May 2021 (PDF 343 KB)
  • Order No. 46 of the Minister of Development of September 8, 2016 amending the Decree on the Establishment of the Monitoring Committee of the Operational Program Eastern Poland 2014-2020 (PDF 204 KB)
  • Regulations of the Monitoring Committee of the Operational Program Eastern Poland 2014-2020 (PDF 361 KB)
  • Annex 1 of the Order of the Ministry of the Interior OP EP 2014-2020 (PDF 62 KB)
  • Annex 2 to the Regulation of the Ministry of the Interior OP EP 2014-2020 (PDF 61 KB)
  • Annex 3 of the Order of the Ministry of the Interior OP EP 2014-2020 (PDF 318 KB)

Composition of the Monitoring Committee

The Monitoring Committee consists of representatives of: government party, by the local government, partners outside the administration.

Overall, representatives of local government and non-government partners make up more than half of the composition of the Monitoring Committee, which gives these institutions significant influence on decision-making. List of members and observers of the OP EP Monitoring Committee (PDF 272 KB)

Within the MV OPW, two working groups were established: the Business Group and the Transport Group. List of members of the Working Group of the Ministry of the Interior OP EP for Business (PDF 83 KB)