Weight loss apps: see five diet apps

Doporučení pro sportovce a vyznavače fyzického cvičení je
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In individuals who are in the process of losing weight and reducing body fat with a hypocaloric diet, there is a risk of a reduction in muscle mass. In these cases, high-protein diets, around 2.4 g/kg/day, combined with strength training can moderate these losses or even increase muscle mass.

  • Obviously, as with CHO, the amount of protein prescribed may vary according to the most intense training routine, in case of injury and preparation for competitions.
  • Lipids, popularly called “fats”, are also energy substrates (in the form of free fatty acids) and are essential for several physiological processes, such as the synthesis of hormones and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

However, unlike CHO and protein, the recommendations for athletes do not vary much from the general population. But like other macronutrients, it must be taken into account in sports nutrition and can be adjusted according to the goal, strategy and level of training, in addition to individual needs.

The recommendation for athletes and believers of physical exercise is

In cases of body fat reduction, these values ​​can reach 0.5 to 1.0 g/kg/day or 20% of the total caloric value. Very low values ​​are detrimental to health and performance and should therefore be avoided.

Despite general guidelines for nutrient consumption, it is extremely important to consider each individual’s response, both in relation to exercise responses and different nutritional strategies. Sports nutrition therefore becomes a very relevant area for direct consumption according to the individual, his goals and type of training.

The best diet and exercise app for weight loss in 2019

TechTudo uvádí níže pět nejlepších aplikací pro dietu a cvičení

The list brings together five apps for those looking to use the arrival of 2019 to get in shape. Those interested in losing weight through healthy practices such as proper diet and exercise are empowered by apps that promise to help with this goal. Tools like MyFitnessPal, available for free for Android and iPhone (iOS) phones, for example, make it easy to count calories burned and burned, while Workout at Home offers daily programs to train major muscle groups without going to the gym. The resources are ideas for anyone who wants to start 2019 fit and healthy.

TechTudo lists the five best diet and exercise apps below

The idea applies mainly to those who include health in their list of resolutions for the new year. However, it should be remembered that the services do not exempt subsequent medical monitoring from the initiation of diet or physical activity.

Apps like Home Exercises set up workouts for weight loss without spending — Photo: Helito Beggiora/TechTudo
Apps like Home Exercises set up workouts for weight loss without spending — Photo: Helito Beggiora/TechTudo
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MyFitnessPal, in the form of a food diary, makes it easy to track calories consumed and expended — Photo: Reproduction/Amanda de Almeida. MyFitnessPal in the form of a food diary makes it easy to track calories consumed and expended — Photo: Reproduction/Amanda de Almeida

The MyFitnessPal calorie counter is one of the most popular diet apps on both the App Store and Google Play, with a significant number of positive reviews.

The app acts as a food diary and allows the user to record all the foods consumed to get an idea of ​​how many calories they have consumed. Depending on the type of diet followed, it is possible to determine the percentage of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) within the calories allowed to create healthy habits.