The aim of the study was to thoroughly diagnose the regional system of environmental protection, aiming to assess the functioning and possibilities of decision-making integration of the system of environmental protection in the Silesian Voivodeship, together with an indication of areas requiring action on the part of the region’s authorities. The main objective was realized by achieving the following specific objectives:
- identification of competence gaps in the environmental management system functioning at the level of the region, together with the identification of those elements of the system which – due to their commercial nature and potential – should be excluded from the area of public funding,
- Indication of system solutions leading to better distribution of public funds for environmental protection, along with their prioritization,
- qualitative and quantitative assessment of deficiencies and barriers to the development of public services and environmental security infrastructure in the region and the formation of spatial order, along with recommendations for legal, fiscal and organizational changes in this regard,
- Assessment of the spatial planning process (increasing territorial cohesion),
- analysis of the market for services and assessment of the state of environmental safety infrastructure in the region,
- analysis and evaluation of the impact of the proposed solutions and recommendations on the labor market of the Silesian region, with particular attention to the possibility of creating demand for new competencies and new specializations.
How to take care of the environment?
Each of us has an impact on the environment. Below we will give you 10 tips on how to change your daily behavior and at the same time take care of the environment as part of our daily behavior.
1. one of the easiest ways to take care of the environment in the immediate area is to separate trash. Even if we don’t have enough space at home to set up several garbage cans or garbage cans divided into sections, dry waste (paper or plastic) can be put away elsewhere and put into the appropriate garbage cans, according to the instructions.
2. Thinking about our environment should also accompany us when we shop – both for groceries (try not to buy too much food to stock up on) and, for example, for clothing (“do I really need another pair of shoes made of plastic?”). Buying fewer industrial goods of good quality not only saves money in the long run, but also things that are little damaged can be freely passed on or resold, thus not littering the environment.
(3) In the context of shopping, it is also worth mentioning plastic bags and disposable bags, which not only litter the environment, but also endanger animals, land and water. Your own shopping bag is usually more durable, allows you to use it again and again, and choose designs, inscriptions or colors that express your personal style.
4 When shopping, also pay attention to the material of the item or its packaging. Wood, recycled paper or glass (instead of plastic) will allow you to take a conscious step towards caring for the environment. Even segregating waste is not as good an option as our “wallet vote” and choosing an option that is often not only more durable, but also more aesthetically pleasing.
5 Another clever way to save energy and materials used to make goods is to fix broken things. A leatherworker, shoemaker or electrician will certainly help to restore our things to their splendor, and we will additionally have the opportunity to approach and appreciate their knowledge and skills.
6. At home, especially in the autumn and winter, our ways of taking care of the environment should include saving electricity – the use of energy-saving light sources in places where we stay for a long time and, for example, halogen bulbs where we need light quickly and for a while, as well as turning off unnecessary appliances that consume electricity will allow us not only to save money, but also not to take away excess energy.
7 It is also worth mentioning at this point drinking water, of which we have really few resources in the world. Turning off the tap all the way, or taking care of its tightness, as well as choosing a shower instead of a bath – will also allow us to save on so-called utility fees.
8. don’t waste paper! You know very well how important trees are in our lives. Without them, we wouldn’t have access to fresh air in cities. Don’t destroy them – but also manage every piece of paper wisely, not using them up without much need.
9. if the situation allows us to do so, it is also worth considering using public transportation or bicycles (our own or city’s) instead of a car, or in larger cities to consider transport in the Park+Ride model (we leave the car at the entrance to the city and continue to travel by public transportation). In addition to our pro-environmental attitude, this will also ensure that we get a bit of exercise for our own health, without having to spend extra time at least at the gym.
10. each of us would like to live in a neighborhood that is clean and people-friendly. We are disturbed by trash left in charming places, but also on our daily paths. Here a lot depends on ourselves – since we had the strength to bring something to a given place, an empty package as a lighter all the more should not be a problem. That is: we do not litter and pay attention to our families and loved ones!