A cooperation area full of opportunities

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The CENTRAL EUROPE teamwork area comprises the area, or parts of the territory, of eight EU Member States as well as the western border location of Ukraine. It covers regarding 1,050,000 square kilometres, a location that is around a fifth of the EU landmass. This region is populated by around 148 million people, or about 28 percent of the EU population.

The participation location is qualified by a high population density as well as a high level of urbanisation, with 73 percent of the population living in cities or urban areas. As for its economic situation, Central Europe reveals marked variations with regard to income and also labour costs, and living standards as a whole: Besides including some of Europe’s wealthiest areas, Central Europe also consists of a few of Europe’s poorest ones.

The CENTRAL EUROPE programme adds to decreasing these distinctions through participation between areas, a pursuit for joint options to usual problems and also actions to harness the areas’ potential. The programme ought to additionally strengthen the general competitiveness of the programme area by boosting innovation and also advertising quality throughout the region.